I will build on and edit this list, based on my own involvement in teaching and developing creativity:
1. Surround yourself with creative people. Hang out with writers, musicians, poets and artists.
Often, just being in a creative environment will inspire you and refresh your creative mind.
2. Start somewhere. If you create a load of crap for a few pages, whether it’s creative writing in
Word or sheet music, the brain loosens up and it’s easier to break through the barrier and come
up with ideas.
3. Expose yourself. Not after too much vodka. Expose yourself to new art – books, music,
paintings – all the time. If you’re a rocker, listen to funk. If you’re a crime writer, read fantasy.
If you’re a productivity writer, read something about slacking off.
4. Develop a “morning ritual” that puts you in the zone – whether it’s stream-of-consciousness
such as in tip 2, or a series of non-spectacular everyday actions in sequence that tell your brain
it’s time to get in the zone. Perhaps you drink a coffee while watching the news before going
for a morning walk – if you repeat the same actions before doing creative work for long enough,
it eventually creates an association that tells the mind to get in a particular zone.
5. Use GTD techniques – free up your mind from the hassles of life by doing an info-dump so
your head is clear enough to create instead of worry.
6. Never stop learning.
7. Imitate the real world – find beauty (or the ugly, depending on what inspires you) and try to
extract the essence of it into your work. This may lead you to what you need to create, or it
may just warm up the muse.
8. Drink too much coffee sometimes (one of my favorite submissions).
9. Do something new. Play chess. Read a book if you watch television and watch television if
you read. Go outside. Sing in the shower.
10. Don’t be too precious about your work. Being inspired by ‘the muse’ is important, but if the
doctor and the garbage man can do their jobs every day, then those in a creative line of work
can too. Change your attitude towards your work.
11. Based on the theory that everything that can be created has been and creation is simply a
process of combining existing ideas, consume information by the bucket load. The more you
know, the more you can create from that knowledge.
12. Meet new people from different walks of life. Gain insight into their perspectives on life.
Strike up a conversation on the bus.
13. Shut out the world. Instead of sucking in new information, sit quietly, go to sleep, or
meditate. Stop thinking and clear your mind so that the clutter doesn’t get in the way of your
14. Carry a camera with you and look for interesting things in your every day scenery. Hadn’t
noticed that crack in the path before? Then it’ll do. Set a quota and force yourself to make it.
Don’t go to new places to do this – force yourself to find new perspectives on old knowledge.
15. Creativity is a muscle. Exercise it daily – if you only need to create once a week, your
muscles may have atrophied if you don’t do it just because you don’t have to.
16. Carry a notebook everywhere. Or a PDA.
17. Write down a list of ideas and draw random arrows between them. For instance, if you’re a
blogger, write down everything in your Categories list and draw lines to connect unusual ideas.
If you had the categories “Relationships” and “Management” and randomly connected them
you’d have an interesting article idea to work with.
18. If you’re not on a tight deadline, walk away and do something completely unrelated. Don’t
let yourself spend that time stressing about what you need to do.
19. Create a framework. As many writers have said, the blank page can be the biggest show-
stopper. Instead of trying to rely on pure inspiration, set your topic or theme and start creating
within confines. Think within the box you create for yourself.
20. Remove obstacles to creativity. That friend who calls to complain about their life can wait
until you can afford to get stressed about their problems.
21. Don’t judge your ideas until you have plenty to judge. Don’t be embarrassed by yourself –
just write them all down! Even if you start with “pink polka-dotted lizard.”
22. Keep a journal. It can get your mind working, and in a month, or a year, when you’ve gained
some distance from what you’ve written it can give you new ideas.
23. Stop telling yourself you’re not creative. If you tell yourself not to come up with ideas, then
you probably won’t – no matter how hard you try.
24. Don’t be a workaholic – take breaks. Your mind needs a chance to wind down so it doesn’t
overheat and crash.
25. Experiment randomly. What does a flanger sound like on a vocal track? Like Lenny Kravitz,
of course.
26. Treat creativity like an enemy in a strategy game; if one thing isn’t working, don’t keep
trying until you give up. Try a new strategy. Run through the whole list, not just the first tip.
27. Choose a topic and write about it as wonderfully or badly as you possibly can. Then edit it
as ruthlessly as a newspaper editor who has thousands of words to edit in the next hour and
doesn’t care what gets lost in the process. At the end you might have something decent to use
as a starting point.
28. Trash what you’re working on. Start again.
29. Exercise every day, before you sit down to be creative. If you exercise afterwards you’ll get
the creative burst – just too late.
30. Spend time with your children. Or someone elses
Created and Edited by Thomas Pitre,B.F.A., MA, Ph.D. - Sequim, WA. Pitre is a 1987 graduate of The Institute on Thinking, Critical and Creative, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge. Certificate: Creativity, Innovation, and Change MOOC. University of Pennsylvania. Sept., 2013. Certificate: Design Thinking Action Lab, MOOC July 2013. Stanford University. Continued study, Penn State, MIT, and Stanford in Design and Creativity, 2014
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
This BLOG pays attention to
Surpassing your opponents with no "weapons" and using imaginative and unique techniques to succeed when working in a creative environment, or doing creative work for fun and personal satisfaction.
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